Monday, April 20, 2009
10 a.m. Gov. Ritter will deliver remarks during the presentation of a House Joint Resolution, "Triumph Over Tragedy," marking today's 10th anniversary of the Columbine High School shootings. Location: State Capitol, House Chambers.
5 p.m. Gov. Ritter and First Lady Jeannie Ritter will attend a Columbine memorial service. Location: Clement Park Amphitheatre, West Bowles and Pierce.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
1:30 p.m. Gov. Ritter will sign into law the Colorado Healthcare Affordability Act (House Bill 1293, Riesberg/Boyd & the Joint Budget Committee). The Act will provide insurance coverage to more than 100,000 uninsured Coloradans and is the most significant
6 p.m. Gov. Ritter will deliver remarks at the Anti-Defamation League's 28th annual Governor's Holocaust Remembrance Event. Location:
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
10 a.m. Gov. Ritter will take part in Earth Day events at Civic Center park, joining Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper and also signing into law the Renewable Energy Finance Act (Senate Bill 51, M. Carroll/Levy). Location: Civic Center park,
6:45 p.m. Gov. Ritter and First Lady Jeannie Ritter will attend the annual Denver Public Schools Foundation annual dinner. Location: Hyatt Regency Convention Center Hotel,