Friday, April 3, 2009
11:15 a.m. Gov. Ritter will sign House Bill 1234 (Reps. J. Kerr & Solano/Sen. Tochtrop) into law. The measure closes a loophole in existing law that allows dangerous drivers to remain on the road for months after their suspension hearing. The bill was inspired by last May's death of 41-year-old Dave Sueper. Location: Governor's Office.
5:30 p.m. Gov. Ritter will deliver remarks at a Hope for Children Foundation fundraising reception. The event benefits the Santa Maria del Mexicano Orphanage in
7:15 p.m. Gov. Ritter will deliver keynote remarks at Colorado Trout Unlimited's annual dinner. Location: Pinnacle Club, Grand Hyatt Hotel, 17th & Welton,