Friday, April 3, 2009



Gov. Bill Ritter has certified a fourth round of transportation projects that will be funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.


The certification covers 26 projects with a combined price tag of $66 million. See the attached document for a complete list of projects, which are shaded  in gray.


"These shovel-ready projects will preserve and save jobs in communities all across Colorado," Gov. Ritter said. "They also will allow us to improve safety and lead Colorado forward with a 21st century, modernized transportation network. This will help position Colorado for a strong and competitive economic future."


Gov. Ritter has now certified more than 110 transportation and transit projects that will utilize $481 million in recovery dollars. Colorado is expected to receive more than $500 million from the recovery act for transportation and transit construction project. Work is expected to begin on the first few projects next month.


For detailed information about all of the recovery act projects that the Colorado Department of Transportation will manage, including project descriptions, amount of funds dedicated to the project, project status and photos, visit


To learn more about how Colorado is putting the recovery act to work, visit and also read these recent news releases:


·                             April 2: Colorado Selects Contractors for 1st Recovery Act Transportation Projects

·                             March 20: Gov. Ritter Certifies 3rd Round of Transportation Recovery Projects

March 6: State Certifies 2nd Round of Transportation Recovery Funds

March 5: Colorado Receives $100M in Recovery Funds for Transit

March 3: Gov. Ritter Certifies 1st Transportation Recovery Funds