"By designating CORHIO as the state-level entity to receive funds, we will have a tremendous impact on improving the quality and lowering the cost of health care across the state," Gov. Ritter said. "Ensuring that every person in the
The Recovery Act includes legislation known as the HITECH Act (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health. The HITECH Act provides approximately $36 billion for HIT nationwide, with $34 million being distributed to qualified health care providers and $2 billion being made available to states and other agencies on a competitive basis for infrastructure and other technology improvements.
"This designation is a testimony to the statewide private-public partnerships and collaborative efforts that are aimed at ensuring that all Coloradans will benefit from these investments," said Joan Henneberry, executive director of the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing. "CORHIO will use this designation to continue working with communities to use technology to improve health care quality, access and affordability."
"As a partner with communities across the state, we are excited about the opportunities that will be made possible through the HITECH Act and look forward to using the federal funding to continue and accelerate the great work that many Colorado communities and CORHIO are making to improve the health of all Coloradans through secure health information exchange," said Phyllis Albritton, executive director of CORHIO.
CORHIO ( is a nonprofit organization with a mission to facilitate the electronic health information exchange to improve the health of all Coloradans. As a state level organization, CORHIO is a collaborative partnership, engaging the public and private sectors as well as a broad range of individuals, organizations, agencies, and policy makers to develop and support statewide health information exchange.
Here is the complete text of Executive Order D 008 09: Designating the
Pursuant to the authority vested in the Office of the Governor of the State of Colorado, I,
I. Background and Purpose
Health information technology provides tools that can improve the quality, safety, and value of health care services. There is a vital need to promote electronic health data exchange amongst payers, health care providers, consumers of health care, researchers, and government agencies. The State is a major purchaser of health care as an employer and through Medicaid, the Child Health Insurance Program, the Colorado Public Employees Retirement Administration, and, therefore, has a central role to play in improving the quality, transparency, and accountability of health care. However, the full benefit of health information technology cannot be realized until electronic health record systems that support the exchange of health information are in place and used by health care providers, payers, and consumers throughout the state, and across state boundaries. This will ensure that clinical information is available where and when needed to promote health and deliver cost-effective health care services.
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ("ARRA") included within it the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health ("HITECH") Act. The HITECH Act provides an unprecedented opportunity to develop and implement the health information technology infrastructure needed to modernize and improve
The HITECH Act authorizes approximately $36 billion over six years for health information technology. The goal of the legislation is to ensure that each person in the
Approximately $34 billion is expected to be distributed directly to qualified health care providers who adopt and use electronic health records (EHRs) in accordance with provision of the HITECH Act. These funds will be distributed to health care providers as incentive payments through Medicaid and Medicare between 2011 and 2016. An additional $2 billion is expected to be made available for health information infrastructure through the United State Secretary of Health and Human Services in the form of grants, loans, and demonstration projects in areas including, but not limited to:
· Regional, state and multi-state infrastructure
· Implementation assistance
· State grants for health IT promotion generally
· Health Information Exchange (HIE) projects
· Loan programs for adoption of certified EHRs
· Demonstration projects for integrating Health IT into clinical education
· Health informatics education programs
The Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Office of National Coordinator ("ONC") have substantial responsibility for setting the strategy for distribution of these funds. The HITECH Act explicitly authorizes federal funds to be used for HIE projects through a state-designated entity and the state will have an opportunity to submit a state plan for achieving meaningful health information exchange. Despite the different pathways for funds that can come to
II. Directives
A. CORHIO shall provide leadership and coordination of health information technology related efforts across
B. CORHIO is hereby designated as
C. Agencies under my direct executive authority shall cooperate in the implementation of this Order. Other entities of State government not under my direct executive authority are requested to assist in CORHIO's efforts to advance the State's HIT Initiative.
III. Duration
This Executive Order shall remain in force until modified or rescinded by future Executive Order of the Governor.
GIVEN under my hand and the
Executive Seal of the State of
April, 2009.