Gov. Ritter today congratulated Xcel Energy and SunPower Corp. for agreeing to build North America' second-largest high-efficiency photovoltaic solar plant in the San Luis Valley.
The 17-megawatt power plant will be built in Alamosa County, next to the 8.22-megawatt solar plant built by Xcel and SunEdison in 2007. It is expected to create 200 jobs during construction and will come online next year.
"Congratulations to Xcel Energy and SunPower Corp. for continuing to grow Colorado's New Energy Economy," Gov. Ritter said. "The New Energy Economy is leading Colorado forward by creating jobs all across the state, diversifying our mix of energy sources, and positioning Colorado for strong and sustainable economic growth in the years ahead.
"This project once again demonstrates why Colorado has become a national and international model for how to develop a new energy future."
Colorado currently produces 40 megawatts of solar generation. With the addition of this 17-megawatt Xcel Energy/SunPower Corp. facility, Colorado will move from sixth to among the top five states for solar energy generation.
Xcel Energy is the fifth-largest utility for solar power and first for wind power in the nation.