Denver- It's a day of unity around the world, a day of leadership and
commitment to stopping AIDS. On Monday, December 1st local supporters
will join in World AIDS Day when they gather on the West Steps of the
State Capitol for a rally from noon to 1 p.m. The rally is organized by
a committee of Colorado Organizations Responding to AIDS (CORA) and is
designed to remind us all that AIDS is not over. This year, the global
theme for World AIDS Day is leadership.
To celebrate the 2008 World AIDS Day theme of leadership, the World AIDS
Campaign has launched the Stop AIDS Leadership Pledge. In collaboration
with national, regional, international and constituent partners, the
pledge asks people from all over the world to take the lead to stop
This year's speakers include:
Lieutenant Governor Barbara O' Brian
Mayor Hickenlooper
Bob Bongiovanni a Program Manager of the HIV/STD section of the Colorado
Department of Public Health and Environment
Mark Thrun the Director of HIV Outreach at Denver Health
Dr. Steve Johnson a leader in the medical arena as an infectious disease
Belinda Garcia an activist and woman of color living with HIV
Rod Rushing event presenter and HIV activist
World AIDS Day began in 1988, at a time when we were still learning the
details about the devastating disease known as AIDS. Each year on
December 1st, countries all around the world continue to emphasize the
disease, remember those we've lost and bring about renewed commitment
and awareness.
Current HIV/AIDS statistics:
. There are nearly 56 million people living with HIV/AIDS worldwide
. 25 million have died from AIDS-related illnesses around the world
. More than 1.2 million people live with HIV/AIDS in the Unites States,
with more than 56,000 new infections each year- 1 every 9 minutes
. In Colorado, more than 12,000 people are estimated to be living with
HIV/AIDS. Over 5,000 have died
. According to the CDC, one in four people who are HIV positive do not
know it
The Colorado World AIDS Day Coalition, a committee of CORA, is a
statewide group of HIV/AIDS service and education providers who come
together to focus on collaboration and public policy.