Friday, Dec. 5, 2008
10 a.m. Gov. Ritter will accept the 2008 recommendations from his P-20 Education Council, which is co-chaired by Lt. Gov. Barbara O'Brien. The education-reform recommendations will be considered for possible introduction in the upcoming legislative session. The recommendations focus on:
· Reducing high school dropout rates;
· Improving the preparation of classroom teachers;
· Strengthening post-high-school and workforce-ready education opportunities for students;
· Improving the use of data.
Note to Media: Gov. Ritter, Lt. Gov. O'Brien and other P-20 Council leaders will be available to discuss the recommendations with reporters immediately after the meeting, at approximately 11:30 a.m.
Location: Community College of Aurora, Rotunda Room in the Student Center, 16000 E. Centre Tech Parkway, Aurora.