Two hundred and twenty individuals have been selected from a pool of more than 700 to participate on content subcommittees for arts, mathematics, physical education, reading and writing, science, social studies and world language. The committees will be responsible for recommending revisions to the Academic Model Content to include 21st century skills to the Colorado State Board of Education for adoption by December 2009.
"Colorado Model Content stakeholders selected the subcommittee members based on their professional experience, geographic region, experience with gifted and talented students, students with disabilities and English Language Learners and approach to changing standards," said Standards and Assessments Assistant Commissioner Jo O'Brien. "We are very pleased with the quality of members in each of the committees, the response was overwhelming."
The subcommittee selection process was conducted using a blind review. Subcommittees will also include a small set of experts in each content area, invited by Commissioner of Education Dwight D. Jones and state board members, to ensure alignment from early childhood education through postsecondary and workforce and representation from the military sector.
Each subcommittee will hold three to five full-day meetings on Saturdays over the next year. There will also be necessary "homework" in preparation for each meeting. Meeting dates will be announced by Sunday, January 18, 2009.
The first phase of the review and revision meetings begins in January and includes reading and writing, music, mathematics and science. The second review and revision phase will begin in March 2009 and includes civics, history, geography, financial literacy and economics. The third group will begin in June 2009 and includes world language, physical education dance, theatre and visual art.
Meetings will be held statewide based on the membership of the committees.
For a list of selected subcommittee members, visit
Economics and financial literacy subcommittee members will be announced on Monday, December 15.