Monday, March 16, 2009

Ritter wins Supreme Court test on education spending, revenue


Gov. Bill Ritter issued the following statement today regarding the Colorado Supreme Court's decision in Mesa County Board of Commissioners v. State of Colorado:


"The real winners today are Colorado's children, families and schools. We took up this fight two years ago because it was the right thing to do for the right reasons: We were leading Colorado forward by removing an obstacle that hurt students, families and this state's future.


"Today's ruling affirms that, and it allows us to send more children to quality pre-schools, to offer full-day kindergarten to more families, and to provide college and career counselors in more middle and high schools.


"Today's ruling allows us to continue moving toward our long-term goals of reducing dropout rates, closing achievement gaps and sending more of our students to college so they can compete and succeed in today's 21st century global economy."