Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Gov. Bill Ritter today announced that the Governor's Energy Office (GEO) along with its 46 statewide partners will receive an EPA 2009 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Award during a ceremony in Washington, D.C., later this month.
Colorado's program was selected for its success in supporting the construction of energy-efficient ENERGY STAR New Homes. These homes are typically 20 percent to 30 percent more efficient than standard homes, improving quality and comfort while reducing energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions.
"Congratulations to the 46 statewide partners and the GEO for this award," Gov. Ritter said. "Energy efficiency is a cornerstone of Colorado's New Energy Economy, and building new homes that save energy and money is another example of how we are leading Colorado forward." Gov. Ritter will accept the award on behalf of Colorado on March 31. 
The EPA has linked significant cost and pollution savings to its ENERGY STAR program. Last year alone Americans, with the help of ENERGY STAR, saved $19 billion on their energy bills and reduced greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to those of 29 million vehicles.
"More and more homes are now ENERGY STAR homes, and that includes starter homes to more upscale houses," said Fritz Diether, a home energy rater who works with builders, Realtors and others in the Grand Junction area. "Energy efficiency is something we all can benefit from."
In 2008, the GEO partnered with 46 community sponsors – including homebuilders, Realtors and home energy raters – on the construction of ENERGY STAR qualifying new homes. The GEO awarded grants totaling $224,000 for training, education and promotional efforts. 
The program resulted in 2,109 new homes in Colorado earning the ENERGY STAR label in 2008, a record 19 percent market share of all new home construction and up dramatically from 8 percent in 2006.  The GEO also helped register more than 50 new Colorado ENERGY STAR New Homebuilders in 2008, pushing the total of qualified ENERGY STAR homebuilders to more than 200 in the state.
Other accomplishments the EPA considered in its ENERGY STAR award to the GEO:
·         The GEO and partners presented more than 50 ENERGY STAR trainings to more than 900 Colorado building industry professionals.
·         The program established 13 regional ENERGY STAR New Homes Programs in Colorado, supported by 46 local sponsors, including cities, counties, utilities and nonprofits.
·         The GEO assisted five of its ENERGY STAR partners in securing $15,000 of additional grants from the EPA for outreach.
For additional information, visit www.coloradoenergystarhomes.com/.
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