Monday, Jan. 5, 2009
10 to 11:45 a.m. Gov. Ritter will make his regular monthly appearance on the Mike Rosen Show, 850 AM KOA. Topics will include Gov. Ritter's selection of Denver Public Schools Superintendent Michael Bennet to serve in the U.S. Senate; the 2009 legislative session, which starts Wednesday; and Gov. Ritter's upcoming State of the State speech on Thursday.
Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2009
12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Gov. Ritter will deliver the keynote luncheon speech at the City Club of Denver's monthly meeting. Location: Brown Palace Hotel, second floor ballroom, 321 17th St. , Denver .
Thursday, Jan. 8, 2009
11 a.m. Gov. Ritter will deliver his annual State of the State Address to a joint session of the Colorado legislature.Location: House Chambers, second floor, State Capitol.
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