8:45 a.m. Gov. Ritter will deliver remarks at the Colorado Alliance of Sustainable Business Association's 5th annual Legislative Briefing Day at the Capitol. Location: Old Supreme Court Chambers, State Capitol.
Noon Gov. Ritter will receive a civil rights award and deliver remarks at the Colorado Anti-Defamation League's annual luncheon. Location: Denver Marriott City Center , 1701 California St .
1:20 p.m. Gov. Ritter will be available to talk with reporters and answer questions about issues such as the state budget, federal recovery package, oil-and-gas rules committee hearing, and the FASTER transportation bill. Location: Denver Marriott City Center , 1701 California St .
4 p.m. Todd Saliman, Gov. Ritter's budget director, will present additional budget-balancing recommendations to the legislature's Joint Budget Committee. Location: Legislative Services Building , 14th and Sherman (just south of the Capitol on the other side of 14th).