Mark Udall has long delivered results for the people of Colorado. As a United States Senator, he'll be in a better position to make even more of a difference, which is why I'm supporting his candidacy.
Mark Udall has been a valuable congressional partner ever since I became Colorado's governor -- championing legislation against climate change and fighting everyday to protect Colorado's wilderness for generations to come. He can do even more in the U.S. Senate.
Colorado needs an environmental advocate like Mark Udall in the U.S. Senate. Please make a contribution to his campaign by March 31!
Thanks in large part to Mark's leadership, Colorado's passage of a renewable energy portfolio standard in 2004 has made our state a pioneer in what I call the New Energy Economy. But if we're going to do something about climate change and our dependence on foreign oil, we need all hands on deck.
I have joined with several other Western governors to urge federal action, and Mark Udall is working tirelessly to enact legislation that commits the entire nation to follow Colorado's lead and create a renewable electricity standard. The House approved his measure late last year, but it ultimately failed by one vote in the U.S. Senate.
Mark will be that one vote.
We need to add Mark's voice to the U.S. Senate. Please make a contribution to his campaign by March 31!
Mark has been an indispensible ally and partner for me in Congress. Mark has taken the lead in fighting the bark beetle infestation plaguing our forests. He is working to secure $120 million in federal funds to preserve our forests, protect our communities, and provide tax credits and income exclusions for private thinning and treatment work.
And Mark has been a leader in protecting our mountains and forests from irresponsible oil-and-gas drilling. Mark never has, and never will, shy away from protecting Colorado's hunters, anglers and local communities.
Mark Udall is ready to fight for us in the U.S. Senate. Please make a contribution to his campaign by March 31!
Mark Udall has already delivered so much for our state, but his accomplishments go far beyond the here and now. I know that as Colorado's next Senator, he will fight day and night to preserve our way of life -- and our planet - for generations to come.
Bill Ritter, Jr.
Governor of Colorado