Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Thursday, March 20
8:30 a.m.                     Gov. Ritter will deliver remarks to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. Location: Hyatt Regency Convention Center Hotel, Mineral Room, 650 15th St., Denver.
10 a.m.                        Gov. Ritter will take part in a news conference announcing a new clean-energy super cluster at Colorado State University. Location: West Foyer, State Capitol.  
10:30 a.m.                   Gov. Ritter will sign several health-care bills into law. Location: Governor's Office:
HB1060 (Gagliardi/Hagedorn), Advanced Practice Nurse Network Provider
HB1061 (Roberts/Hagedorn) Advanced Practice Nurse Affidavit Certification
HB1094 (Gagliardi/Hagedorn) Advanced Practice Nurses Reimbursement
Noon                           Gov. Ritter will deliver remarks at the Colorado Ethics and Business Awards Luncheon. Location: Marriott City Center, 1701 California St., Denver.
3 p.m.                          Gov. Ritter will sign several bills into law. Location: West Foyer, Capitol:
                                    HB 1134 (Jim Kerr/Morse) Dental or Dental Hygiene Practice Owner
                                    HB 1069 (Curry/Tochtrop) Motor Vehicle Public  Land Prohibition
                                    SB 120 (Penry/Rice) Payment of Wages by Paycard Authorized
6 p.m.                          Gov. Ritter will be receiving an award and delivering remarks at the University ofColorado Law School Alumni Awards Dinner. Gov. Ritter will be receiving the annual public service award. Location: Hyatt Regency Convention Center Hotel, 650 15th St.,Denver.