Tuesday, March 3, 2009


The Governor's Office of Boards and Commissions announced today it is seeking applicants for a new Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC) Steering Committee. Applications are due by March 16.


The CIVHC steering committee was established by executive order upon the recommendation of the Colorado Blue Ribbon Commission for Health Care Reform. The multi-disciplinary steering committee will facilitate and implement strategies to improve quality and contain health care costs in Colorado.


The steering committee will set the strategic direction, vision and policy initiatives for CIVHC. It will advise the state on strategies to improve the health care service delivery system, leverage commitments from the public and private sectors, and integrate the work of other public and private entities in the state.


Committee membership should consist of members who are highly influential in the business and health care communities, are passionate about improving quality and value in health care, and possess a strategic perspective.


The application deadline is March 16.  To apply, fill out and return a general Boards and Commission application or submit your resume to the Boards and Commission Office. For details, visit the Boards and Commission website, e-mail boards@state.co.us, or call 303.866.6380.