After addressing a Greeley Chamber of Commerce luncheon, Gov. Ritter will sign several bills sponsored by state Rep. Jim Riesberg:
HB 1035 (Riesberg/Heath), Clean Tech Medical Device
HB 1173 (Riesberg/Hodge), Contraband Cigarettes & Tobacco Products
SB 026 (Williams/Riesberg), Regulation of Athletic Trainers
SB 290 (Bacon/Riesberg), Higher Ed Capital Construction Approval
The luncheon begins at noon at the
Later this evening in
SB 052 (Bacon/Pommer), Higher Ed Research Fund
HB 1105 (Kefalas/Scheffel),
HB 1064 (Kefalas/Sandoval), Economic
HB 1094 (Levy & Fischer/Bacon), Cell Phone Prohibitions for Drivers
HB 1282 (Fischer/Schwartz), Electronic Device Recycling Task Force
HB 1349 (Fischer/Heath), Continue Healthcare After Employment
Over the past three years, Gov. Ritter has invited the public to take part in signing ceremonies at schools, senior centers and solar parks in Alamosa,
Friday is the final day for Gov. Ritter to take action on bills from the 2009 legislative session. Gov. Ritter also will be visiting
"It's important that we bring the business of the Capitol directly to the people and communities of
Click here or visit for a complete list of 2009 legislative action already taken by Gov. Ritter.