GREELEY — Gov. Bill Ritter joined state Rep. Jim Riesberg in Greeley today, signing into law four pieces of legislation and discussing Colorado's economy with area business, education and civic leaders.
During a noon speech to the Greeley Chamber of Commerce, Gov. Ritter said Colorado's economy is showing encouraging signs of economic activity.
"Working with lawmakers like Rep. Riesberg, our focus this legislative session was on creating jobs, helping existing businesses and recruiting new companies to Colorado," Gov. Ritter said. "We provided immediate relief to businesses and working families to help them get through this downturn, and we made smart, long-term investments in education, workforce development and innovation.
"We're leading Colorado forward and positioning ourselves for a strong recovery and a sustainable future," Gov. Ritter said, "and the legislation I'm signing here in Greeley today will help advance those goals."
House Bill 09-1035 (Riesberg/Heath) will renew and expand sales-tax refunds for bioscience and clean-tech companies that purchase equipment used in the research and development of new technologies and new products. This will help ensure continued investments in clean-tech R&D and the continued growth of start-up and spin-off companies that create high-paying jobs.
"This is critical legislation that will help grow Colorado's most promising high-tech, green industries," Rep. Riesberg said. "These companies have the potential to bring thousands of good, high-paying jobs to Colorado. We're at the forefront of bioscience and biotechnology development. And with passage of this bill, Colorado has guaranteed it will continue leading the way."
House Bill 09-1173 (Riesberg/Hodge) will cut down on contraband cigarettes and tobacco products being smuggled into Colorado. "This law expands enforcement, improves transparency around who is a licensed tobacco wholesaler, and ensures there are tougher penalties for retailers that break the law," Rep. Riesberg said. "In so doing, we're making it harder to profit from illegal cigarettes and helping the state collect those taxes that are currently not being paid."
Senate Bill 09-026 (Williams/Riesberg) will create a new registration program for athletic trainers.
"This bill will protect children and promising athletes in high school and college programs from harm," Rep. Riesberg said. "Only with the proper training can athletic trainers identify and treat athletes for injuries sustained during competition and prevent those injuries from having long-term effects. Working closely with athletic trainers, we've created a program to certify and monitor their practice as professionals."
Senate Bill 09-290 (Bacon/Riesberg) will allocate funding for the construction of new buildings on college campuses across Colorado. "Previously, it was simply too hard and too bureaucratic for our colleges and universities to invest their own cash donations to make critical improvements," Rep. Riesberg said. "This streamlines the process so schools can fast-track projects to save money and have more flexibility in meeting their infrastructure needs."
Friday is the final day for Gov. Ritter to take action on bills from the 2009 legislative session. Click here or visit for a complete list of 2009 bills signed into law.