Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Lt. Gov. Barbara O'Brien to participate in 2008 National Space Forum Panel

Discussions to Center on Next President and Space Issues
Lt. Gov. Barbara O'Brien Friday will join Dr. Ron Sega, CSU's vice president for applied research and former undersecretary of the Air Force, on a panel to discuss aerospace issues at the National Space Forum 2008 in Washington, D.C.
The two-day forum begins Thursday and is a discussion of space challenges facing the new presidential administration in 2009. It is sponsored by the Eisenhower Center for Space and Defense Studies at the Air Force Academy and the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C.
 Lt. Gov. O'Brien, co-chair of the Colorado Space Coalition, will be spotlighting Colorado's aerospace industry, which has one of the highest concentrations of aerospace workers in the country. Colorado boasted 26,650 private aerospace jobs and 171,200 people in space-related jobs in 2007. Lt. Gov. O'Brien will address Colorado's roles in the aerospace industry including workforce development, education and leadership.
"This is a wonderful opportunity for Dr. Sega and me to talk about Colorado's leadership role in supporting this critical part of bothColorado and the nation's economy. We need to make sure the next administration focuses on aerospace industries and is committed to its future," said Lt. Gov. O'Brien.
Dr. Sega is expected to discuss Department of Defense policies such as organizational issues, international cooperation and national interests faced by the next administration. Dr. Sega and Lt. Gov. O'Brien will be joined by Mary Kicza, Assistant Administrator for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Satellite and Information Service.
Aerospace is one of the Ritter administration's four targeted sectors for economic development.