Monday, February 11, 2008

CCA BLAST - CCA Announces the 2008 Governor's Arts Award - Call to Colorado Artists

DENVER—(February 11, 2008) The Colorado Council on the Arts and Arts for Colorado announce that a Call for Entries for Colorado Artists is now available for the 2008 Governor's Arts Award commission. The Governor's Arts Award is given annually to one Colorado city or town which has effectively utilized the arts to enhance the quality of life and economic vitality of their community. The 2008 award will again consist of two original works of art created by a Colorado Artist. One of the artworks will be presented to the winning community later this year, while the other will hang in the State Capitol. The Call For Entries is now available online at the CCA website at or by going directly to the Listings on the CAFÉ website at 

The 2007 winning artist, Joellyn Duesberry, unveiled her painting last week at a press conference at the Governor's Office. The 2007 recipient was the City of Grand Junction, which was honored by Governor Ritter last August. The City also received an original artwork by Duesberry, which now hangs in City Hall.

About the Colorado Council on the Arts
The Colorado Council on the Arts, a state agency, combines state funds with federal funds from the National Endowment for the Arts, and invests in communities across the state to ensure that the cultural, educational and economic benefits of the arts are enjoyed by thousands of Colorado youth and millions of Colorado citizens and visitors every day.