Wednesday, May 20, 2009



Wednesday, May 20, 2009


8:30 a.m.         Gov. Ritter will sign Senate Bill 94, which creates a new Transit and Rail Division within the Colorado Department of Transportation to advance mass transit and other rail opportunities around the state. Location: Colorado Department of Transportation Headquarters, 4201 E. Arkansas Ave., Denver.


Thursday, May 21, 2009


9 a.m.              Gov. Ritter will sign nearly 10 education measures into law, including bills designed to: reduce Colorado's high school dropout rate; allow students to simultaneously earn a high school diploma and a college associate's degree; and help the state secure hundreds of millions of dollars in federal "Race to the Top" grant funds. The bills and their sponsors are:


HB 1065 (Benefield/Spence), Education Identifier

                                    HB 1243 (Middleton & Massey/Bacon), Reducing High School Dropout Rate

                                    HB 1319 (Merrifield & Massey/Williams & Heath) Colorado ASCENT (dual enrollment)

SB 090 (Hudak/Benefield/Merrifield), Parental Involvement

SB 123 (Williams/Todd), Healthy Choices Dropout Prevention

SB 160 (Hudak/Todd), Alternative Teacher Programs and Licensure

SB 163 Hudak/Middleton), Education Accountability System

                                    SB 256 (Romer & Bacon/Pommer & Scanlan), School Finance Act

SB 282 (Sandoval & Spence/A. Kerr)  DPS Retirement PERA Merger


Location: Denver Public Schools' Career Education Center, 2650 Eliot St.


11 a.m.            Gov. Ritter will sign Colorado's version of "Katie's Law," SB 241, regarding the collection of DNA evidence. The bill is named in honor of 22-year-old New Mexico murder victim Katie Sepich. Katie's mother will attend the signing ceremony. Location: West Foyer, State Capitol.