Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Gov. Ritter kicked off Earth Day 2008 in Colorado today by issuing three climate-change executive orders, announcing a new Insulate Colorado residential rebate program and introducing the first 13 Colorado founding reporters to The Climate Registry.
Today's event was held at the 100-year-old Governor's Residence, where new attic insulation and a 9.8-kilowatt solar array were recently installed. A geo-exchange system that will help heat and cool the Residence will be installed later this year.
"Earth Day has been in existence for nearly 40 years," Gov. Ritter said. "But the realities of climate change are bringing a new sense of urgency to the future of our planet. It's been my pleasure as Governor, for a little over one year, to promote the ideals and goals of Earth Day.
"Colorado's New Energy Economy is booming. The Colorado Renewable Energy Collaboratory is doing ground-breaking work. More than 40 Colorado scientists shared the Nobel Peace Prize for their work with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. We introduced our Climate Action Plan in November. And today, on Earth Day, we are taking several additional steps to bring the New Energy Economy closer to home and to begin enacting the goals laid out in the Climate Action Plan."
Gov. Ritter issued the following executive orders today:
·         Executive Order D004 08 establishes reduction goals for greenhouse gas emissions (20 percent by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050, both from 2005 levels); directs the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to develop regulations mandating the reporting of greenhouse gas emissions; and requests the Public Utilities Commission to require each utility under its jurisdiction to submit electric resource plans that include an analysis showing how the utility could achieve a 20 percent reduction in its greenhouse gas emissions from 2005 levels by 2020.
·         Executive Order D010 08 establishes an agricultural sequestration offset program.
·         Executive Order B007 08 establishes a Colorado Climate Advisory Panel.
Also today, Gov. Ritter announced the "Insulate Colorado" program to help homeowners insulate their homes and reduce energy consumption. With 44 statewide partners, Insulate Colorado will provide rebates to participating homeowners up to $300 per project.
"Last week, the Governor's Residence had attic insulation installed," Gov. Ritter said. "I encourage all Coloradans to insulate their homes because it's one of the best ways to reduce energy consumption and your carbon footprint and to have a more comfortable home."
Gov. Ritter also announced the first 13 founding Colorado reporters to The Climate Registry:
American Energy Assets
Cameron-Cole, LLC
Hogan and Hartson
Kleinfelder, Inc.
Newmont Mining Corporation
Platte River Power Authority
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
Shell Oil Company
State of Colorado
Suncor Energy (USA) Inc.
Symbiotic Engineering, LLC
Tri-State Generation and Transmission
Xcel Energy
Participating in today's news conference:
Dan Grossman, Rocky Mountain Regional Director, Environmental Defense Fund
Frits Eulderink, Vice President of Unconventional Fuels, Shell Oil
David Wilks, Energy Supply President, Xcel Energy
Bill Buckalew, General Manager of Refining and Pipelines, Suncor (USA) Inc.
The Climate Registry was established by states, tribes and provinces in North America as a mechanism to measure greenhouse gas emissions consistently across industry sectors and borders. Reporters to The Climate Registry agree to calculate, verify and publicly report their greenhouse gas emissions annually.
"On Earth Day, it is only fitting to acknowledge that climate change is arguably the greatest environmental challenge of our time," Gov. Ritter said. "Its effects will impact our environment, our economy and our quality of life well into the future. Adapting to climate change will certainly be a challenge, but it also will present tremendous opportunities for us all."