Monday, October 13, 2008


Gov. Bill Ritter today announced the appointments of several Coloradans to boards and commissions:
Agricultural Seasonal Worker Pilot Program Advisory Council
Authorized by House Bill 08-1325, Gov. Ritter has appointed the following people to this pilot program advisory council:
Harry "Bruce' Talbott of Palisade
Jennifer Jung Wuk Lee of Denver
Jeff D. Joseph of Cherry Hills Village
They will serve at the pleasure of the governor, and the appointments to the nine-member council do not require Senate confirmation. The goal of HB 1325 is to expedite the seasonal worker application and approval processes in compliance with the existing federal H-2A visa program so that eligible workers may come to Colorado legally, safely and in a timely manner to meet the demands of Colorado's farmers and ranchers. Colorado ranks as the 16th largest agricultural producer in the county.
Coal Mine Board of Examiners
(for terms expiring July 1, 2012)
Trent A. Peterson of Durango
Crecencio O. Salazar of Hayden
Karl C. Koehler of Hayden
Robert L. Wade of Nucla
Appointments to the five-member board are for four years and require Senate confirmation. The board prepares and conducts examinations for applicants to positions in coal mines that require certification under federal law. The board issues certificates of competency to qualified applicants, and also assists in developing curricula for  coal miner training programs.
Solid and Hazardous Waste Commission
(for terms expiring Aug. 1, 2011)
Roger L. Freeman of Denver
Lynn M. Kornfeld of Denver
Aleksandr "Alek" M. Orloff of Denver
Appointments to the nine-member commission are for three years and require Senate confirmation. The commission makes rules and regulations for the handling, storage and transportation of hazardous wastes in Colorado.
For additional information about the Governor's Office of Boards and Commissions, including details about how to obtain an application, please contact the office by clicking here, emailing, or calling 303.866.6380.