Lt. Gov. Barbara O'Brien will lead a Colorado delegation to Harvard University this week to learn about science-based polices that help children's learning, behavior and health. Colorado is one of 14 states selected to be a part of a national Symposium on Early Childhood Science and Policy.
"This is an opportunity to learn from world-renowned researchers how Colorado 's policymakers, non-profits and business community can work together to improve the lives of vulnerable children from birth through five years old," Lt. Gov. O'Brien said.
Also on the Colorado team for the Harvard symposium are Karen Beye, executive director of the Colorado Department of Human Services; Senate President Peter Groff; Rep. Tom Massey of Poncha Springs; Jeanette Cornier, assistant commissioner of the Colorado Department of Education; Zack Neumeyer, chairman of Sage Hospitality Resources; and Elsa Holguin, senior program officer from the Rose Community Foundation.
During the Thursday and Friday presentations, the state delegations will learn about recent advances in neuroscience, molecular biology, medicine and developmental psychology in early childhood development. Colorado 's team will also put together an action plan to develop policies to address early childhood needs.
The symposium is being convened by the National Governor's Association Center for Best Practices, Harvard University 's Center on the Developing Child and the National Conference of State Legislatures. The event is also supported by the Buffett Early Childhood Fund.