Gov. Ritter will be making several appearances in Southern Colorado on Friday:
10 a.m. Gov. Ritter will take part in the Colorado Lottery's Silver Anniversary Celebration and receive a ceremonial check for nearly $2 billion. Pueblo Zoo, 3455 Nuckolls Ave ,Pueblo .
11:30 a.m. Gov. Ritter will deliver remarks to Latino business and civic leaders from aroundColorado during a summit hosted by the Latino Chamber of Commerce of Pueblo.Pueblo Convention Center , 320 Central Main St. , Pueblo .
3 p.m. Gov. Ritter will celebrate the grand opening of the Interstate 25 Colorado Springs Metro Interstate Expansion (COSMIX) Project. Sunbird Restaurant, 230 Point of Pines Road ,Colorado Springs .
4:30 p.m. Gov. Ritter will deliver a keynote speech regarding his vision for the future of Colorado as part of Colorado College 's Guest Lecture Series. Packard Hall, corner of Cascade andCache La Poudre , Colorado College, Colorado Springs .