Thursday, May 22, 2008
9:30 a.m. Gov. Ritter will sign House Bill 1335, the Building Excellent Schools Today (B.E.S.T.) bill, which will direct up to $1 billion toward K-12 school construction projects. State Treasurer Cary Kennedy, House Speaker Andrew Romanoff, Senate President Peter Groff and other legislators will be in attendance.
Location: Monaco Elementary School , 7631 Monaco St. , Commerce City .
11:30 a.m. Gov. Ritter will take part in the annual Colorado Prayer Luncheon.
Location: Colorado Convention Center , 700 14th St . , Denver .
1:45 p.m. Gov. Ritter will sign Senate Bill 155 (Cadman/A. Kerr), the comprehensive Information Technology Consolidation bill.
Location: West Foyer, State Capitol.