Thursday, May 15, 2008


Friday, May 16, 2008
10 a.m.                        Gov. Ritter will celebrate the grand opening of Colorado's newest Driver's License Office with state Sen. Steve Johnson, Department of Revenue Executive Director Roxanne Huber and Division of Motor Vehicles Director Joan Vecchi. Before Gov. Ritter took office, the state closed 25 Driver's License Offices around Coloradobecause of budget cuts forced by the 2001 recession. 
Location: Palmer Gardens Shopping Center, 118 E. 29th  St., Suite F,  Loveland.
11:30 a.m.                   Gov. Ritter will sign House Bill 1078 during an address at the annual Armed Forces Recognition Luncheon, which is co-sponsored by the Aurora Chamber of Commerce, City of Aurora and Northrop Grumman. HB 1078 (Buescher/Morse) will restore nearly $3 million to the Colorado State Veterans Trust Fund that was taken in 2002 to help balance the state budget.
                                    Location: Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza Hotel, I-70 and Chambers.