Wednesday, May 21, 2008



Gov. Bill Ritter today named Thomas James Quammen of Greeley as a District Court judge in the 19th Judicial District, which servesWeld County.
Quammen is currently the chief deputy district attorney for the 17th Judicial District in Adams and Broomfield counties. Prior to his current position, Quammen worked as chief deputy D.A. and assistant D.A. in the 19th Judicial District from 1981 to 2005.
Quammen earned his bachelor's degree in 1975 from the University of Northern Colorado, where he received the Hanna Award for the highest graduating grade-point average. He also earned a master's degree from the University of Colorado in 1975 and law degree from the University of Missouri in 1981.
The appointment is effective July 1 and the position was created pursuant to House Bill 07-1054. The initial term of office is a provisional term of two years, and then until the second Tuesday in January following the next general election. Thereafter, if retained by the voters, the term is for six years. The current salary for a District Court judge is $118,972.