Friday, April 24, 2009



Gov. Bill Ritter today announced that the Colorado Health Information Technology (HIT) Advisory Committee has released a new report identifying how Colorado can significantly reduce costs, improve patient outcomes and make the state's healthcare system more efficient and effective.


Established by Senate Bill 07-196, the Committee was charged with recommending strategies to use HIT throughout Colorado.


"These recommendations provide a framework for modernizing Colorado's healthcare delivery system and maximizing HIT to deliver higher quality, cost-effective care to all our citizens," Gov. Ritter said. "This report complements our Building Blocks to Health Reform agenda and provides guidance as we utilize HIT to lead Colorado forward."


The report provides recommendations in four strategic areas:

·         Strategies to promote adoption and incorporation of HIT.

·         Strategies to promote interoperability and Healthcare Information Exchange (HIE).

·         Executive branch and other strategies by policymakers for fostering implementation.

·         Private sector engagement and strategies to expand the use of HIT.


Gov. Ritter appointed Committee members, including employer groups, the HIT industry, healthcare providers, consumers and the Colorado General Assembly. Colorado's Chief Information Officer, Michael Locatis, chaired the Committee. The Committee spent more than a year assessing Colorado's HIT landscape, considering healthcare issues and HIT development among providers and communities across the state, region and nation.


"The Advisory Committee is proud of Colorado's accomplishments in HIT to date and believes Colorado is poised to be a national leader on the adoption and implementation of HIT," Locatis said.


Gov. Ritter has already acted on one of the Committee's recommendations through an executive order by designating the Colorado Regional Health Information Organization (CORHIO) as the lead organization to coordinate HIT development in Colorado, including implementation of funds through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. 


The Health Information Technology Advisory Committee Report is available at the Governor's Office of Information Technology website: