, First off, I want to thank the entire RitterForGovernor.com community for donating generously during these tough times to crush our $25,000 end-of-quarter grassroots fundraising goal. We closed the night of June 30 with over $35,000 in online donations from hundreds of dedicated supporters like you. As a result of this incredible grassroots support, our campaign's total fundraising topped $400,000 for the quarter! Thank you for helping us cross this critical threshold, showing everyone the strength and breadth of our campaign to lead Colorado forward. But that's not the only exciting news I have for you today. Today we are launching the new RitterForGovernor.com. As one of Bill's grassroots supporters, I want you to be among the first to see it. Now this is not just any web site. RitterForGovernor.com is the go-to place to take this campaign into your own hands. Visit RitterForGovernor.com today to: - Join one of over a dozen special campaign communities and sign up to become a campaign organizer.
- Find upcoming events near you, or host your own.
- Create your own fundraising page and invite your friends to donate towards your personal fundraising goal.
- Send an E-Card to all your friends and family, inviting them to visit our new web site.
Click here to check out the new RitterForGovernor.com! As if you needed another reason to check out our new web site, if you correctly name the mountain range featured on RitterForGovernor.com you will be entered into a drawing with a chance to win a Ritter for Governor T-shirt and a signed photo. (Hint: They're not in Canada!). Click here to give us your best guess. We hope you find RitterForGoveror.com to be a useful tool to stay up to date with our campaign and mobilize your community behind Bill Ritter. Be sure to let us know what you think of the new site! Thank you again for all that you do to support Bill's campaign. Sincerely, David Kenney Campaign Director Ritter for Governor Visit RitterForGovernor.com
