Gov. Bill Ritter 's Blue Ribbon Transportation Panel will hold its next meeting from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 13, at the Colorado Department of Transportation's headquarters, 4201 E. Arkansas Ave. , Denver .
This full meeting of the panel will include a discussion of possible transportation funding options that could help shape legislative proposals in the upcoming 2009 legislative session.
This meeting also follows a series of 25 community outreach meetings that panel members held around the state this fall as part of a public awareness campaign about Colorado 's transportation funding crisis.
The agenda for Thursday's meeting:
10:00 a.m. Introductions and Welcome
10:10 a.m. Opening Comments
Russ George, CDOT Executive Director
10:20 a.m. Transportation Investment Strategy Recommendations
Carla Perez and Peter Kenney
11:30 a.m. CDOT VMT Fee Pilot Blueprint
Jake Kononov, CDOT Research Branch
12:00 p.m. Break for Lunch
12:30 p.m. Additional Strategy Recommendations
· Mark Mehalko, Move Colorado
· Kevin O'Malley, Clear Creek County
1:30 p.m. Recommendations Report Outline
Carla Perez, Governor Ritter's Office
2:00 p.m. Next Steps
3 p.m. Conclusion and Closing Comments
Russ George, CDOT Executive Director