the nation for this historic event.
I'm proud to represent one of the largest rural districts in America-a
district of small communities, of people who believe in hard work,
love of family and service to our country.
Unfortunately, over the last eight years, the Bush administration has
neglected rural America.
And all John McCain is offering is more of the same neglect.
John McCain has repeatedly opposed policies that energize our rural
economies, opposed farm bills-over and over and over again-opposed
increasing funding for nutrition programs that keep our nation's
children from going to bed hungry at night.
We need a president who understands the contributions and values of
rural America. A president who understands the men and women who are
up at 5 a.m. every day to grow the food that we put on our tables.
We need a president who'll support rural America and the family
farmers we all rely on.
Most of all, we need a president who will deliver the change we need.
My fellow Coloradans, my fellow Americans, Barack Obama will be that
Barack Obama will work hard on behalf of those who work the land, and
lift those who strive to earn a decent living in our small
communities, and to keep the promises we've made to the men and women
from all across America who have proudly worn this nation's uniform.
As a lifelong farmer, I stand here today and look out upon a silo of
hope. It's stored up-it's ready for November. Ready for us to end this
time of rural neglect, begin a time of endless promise.
We will elect Barack Obama, the next President of the United States.