Wednesday, November 28, 2007

New Report Card Provides Statewide Healthcare Data to Consumers

 Data to Consumers
Website allows Coloradans to compare local hospitals
on their performance in multiple categories


DENVER—Governor Bill Ritter today launched a new website that provides statewide hospital data and clinical outcomes to the public.  The website, known as the Colorado Hospital Report Card, was unveiled at a press conference held at Denver Health Medical Center.


"By providing information in a clear, accessible and usable format, the Colorado Hospital Report Card will improve the information available to Colorado citizens about hospital quality.  This will help them make informed decisions about where they choose to receive care," said Governor Ritter.


"We are proud to be on the cutting edge of information reporting and healthcare transparency," said Steven Summer, president and CEO of the Colorado Hospital Association (CHA). "Uniform, accurate, comparable data will allow consumers to evaluate hospitals as they make decisions regarding their medical care needs."


Dr. Ned Calonge, chief medical officer for the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment (CDPHE), explained that the Colorado Hospital Report Card was created as a result of House Bill 06-1278 (sponsored by Representative Paul Weissmann, D-Louisville and Senator Maryanne Keller, D-Wheat Ridge). The bill required general hospitals in Colorado to report on clinical measures that allow consumers to compare healthcare services of these facilities. This data is to be made available on a website that enables consumers to conduct an interactive search to compare information from specific hospitals. The CDPHE selected CHA to create and maintain the Colorado Hospital Report Card.


"This easily accessible information is a significant benefit for Colorado patients," said Dede de Percin, executive director of the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative.


CHA's Hospital Report Card Implementation Committee – a group of hospitals, public health officials, insurers, buyers and business leaders –  is primarily responsible for identifying and recommending the necessary elements of the Colorado Hospital Report Card. The committee meets monthly to evaluate the effectiveness of the report card and to assess and recommend new measures to be included.


"Colorado hospitals are committed to continuously improving quality and safety for the Colorado patients they serve, through public reporting, information systems and process improvements," said CHA's Summer. "This report card allows hospitals to understand areas in which they can improve in terms of care and patient safety."


To view the Colorado Hospital Report Card, visit