Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Gov. Bill Ritter's Blue Ribbon Transportation Finance and Implementation Panel meets tomorrow (Thursday, Nov. 15) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Oxford Hotel in Denver1600 17th St. This will be the panel's final meeting prior to submitting a report to Gov. Ritter next month.
Gov. Ritter convened the 30-member Transportation Finance and Implementation Panel earlier this year to explore the state's transportation funding challenges. The state's primary revenue sources are declining while demand and the costs of construction and maintenance are rising.
The panel's work commenced in April with a statewide transportation summit. Since then, the panel has met 12 times in communities around Colorado. The panel's technical advisory committee also has met more than a dozen times since April.
Here is the complete agenda for Thursday's meeting:
                               I.      Coffee and Continental Breakfast
                            II.      Welcome and Introductions from Co-Chairs
Doug Aden, Cary Kennedy and Bob Tointon
                         III.      Comment from Russ George, CDOT Executive Director
                         IV.      Process Review – Carla Perez, Governor Ritter's Office
                            V.      Review Remaining Policy Issues
a.       Climate Action and VMT
b.      Economic Development and Transportation
c.       Severance Tax and Transportation
d.      Performance and Accountability
                         VI.      Pilot Recommendation
a.       VMT Pilot Proposal
                      VII.      Finalize Funding Recommendations
a.       Comments from 10/25 exercise
b.      Impact fees for Regional Transportation Authorities (RTAs)
                   VIII.      Discussion on Post-Recommendation Activities of the Panel
a.       Communication and Outreach – "It's all in the Presentation"
b.      Small group exercise
c.       Full group discussion
                         IX.      Closing comments from co-chairs and Russ George