If you are hurt in accident, by the negligence of others, or by poor medical treatment, the questions can be overwhelming. Here’s a way you can get your questions answered, anonymously if you chose.
The Cherry Creek News named Brad Freedberg Colorado’s Best Personal Injury Attorney in 2016. He answer your questions in a live video event. To submit a question, go here:
Submit your questions here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/10_D-sjCCtluWdiNY4uy5LlzHnOsT_v46CnhgeluOvaM/
Learn more about Brad here: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1OOcXFC1S33LrH08QvJsG-OevLzw&hl=en_US
The North Denver News story about Brad: http://northdenvernews.com/brad-freedberg-colorados-best-personal-injury-lawyer-says-cherry-creek-news/
Our story about Brad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbiMGfFA7f0
and Brad’s website: http://www.bradfreedberg.com