Monday, January 25, 2010



Gov. Bill Ritter today announced the appointments of 10 Coloradans to statewide boards and commissions:


Colorado Board of Veterans Affairs


James C. Bobick of Aurora to fill a vacancy for a term expiring June 30, 2010, and then to a full four-year term expiring June 30, 2014.

William L. Robinson of Castle Rock for a term expiring June 30, 2014.


The seven-member board addresses challenges facing Colorado veterans and makes recommendations to the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. Appointments require Senate confirmation.


Board of Real Estate Appraisers

(for terms expiring July 1, 2012)


Wayne L. Hunsperger of Englewood

Anthony J. Navarro of Denver (re-appointed)

Susan E. Secrest of Denver


The seven-member board sets fees for those seeking a real estate appraisers license, administers tests and disciplines licensees for misconduct Appointments require Senate confirmation.


Water Quality Control Commission

(all re-appointments, for terms expiring Feb. 15, 2013)


Chris J. Wiant of Centennial

Patricia Wells of Denver

Andrew S. Todd of Denver


The nine-member commission is responsible for developing and maintaining a comprehensive and effective program for prevention, control and abatement of water pollution throughout the state. Appointments require Senate confirmation.     


Ground Water Commission

(re-appointments to terms expiring May 1, 2014)


Douglas L. Shriver of Monte Vista

Carolyn F. Burr of Denver


The 12-member commission determines the boundaries of ground water basins, considers well permit applications, promotes economic development and protects water rights. Appointments require Senate confirmation.


For more information about Colorado boards and commissions, or to obtain an application, visit the Boards and Commission website, e-mail, or call 303.866.6380.