Wednesday, Aug. 26, 2009
Noon Gov. Ritter will deliver remarks at the Alliance to Save Energy Policy Perspectives Forum on howColorado's New Energy Economy is leveraging energy efficiency to create jobs, save energy and money. Attendees will include leaders from corporations, trade associations, public interest groups and research organizations and others who work in the field of energy efficiency. Location: Hotel Monaco, 1717 Champa St., Denver.
Thursday, Aug. 27, 2009
1 p.m. Gov. Ritter and U.S. Rep. Betsy Markey will co-host a Clean Energy Economy Forum in Fort Collins with Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and Council on Environmental Quality Chair Nancy Sutley. The forum will discuss how President Obama's vision for a comprehensive energy plan will jump-start the American clean energy sector and create millions of new jobs developing technologies that will cut pollution while producing alternative sources of energy. Gov. Ritter will discuss Colorado's New Energy Economy, which is creating thousands of jobs and reshaping how we use and create power. Location: Fossil Ridge High School, 5400 Ziegler Road, Fort Collins.