Friday, July 20, 2007

Ritter apoints Hoskins to Weld bench


Gov. Bill Ritter today announced he has appointed Julie C. Hoskins of Greeley to serve on the District Court bench of the 19th Judicial District. The district serves Weld County.

Julie Hoskins currently serves as a Weld County Court judge, presiding over the domestic violence misdemeanor docket. She also worked as a District Court magistrate for the 19th Judicial District from 2003 to 2005. From 1993 to 2003, prior to her position as a magistrate, Hoskins was a partner at Houtchens, Houtchens and Greenfield, L.L.C., and before that worked as a contract attorney for Perry Goorman, Attorney at Law (1991 to 1993). She earned her bachelor’s degree from Bethany College in West Virginia, and her law degree from the Dickinson School of Law in 1991.

The judgeship is a new position created pursuant to House Bill 07-1054. The initial term of office is a provisional term of approximately two years, and if retained by the voters, a term of six years.