Thursday, February 15, 2007


Gov. Bill Ritter today signed an executive order dissolving the 2-year-old Office of Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS), a move that will save taxpayers nearly $200,000 annually.
The CBMS office was created in May 2005 to manage a new eligibility and payment system for social services, health care and other benefits administered and distributed by Colorado's 64 counties.
Prior to creation of the office, the Colorado Departments of Human Services and Health Care Policy and Financing oversaw management and operations of the benefits system. Ritter's executive order returns those responsibilities to the two departments.
"Maintaining a separate Office of CBMS within the Governor's Office is no longer necessary or efficient," Ritter said. "Thanks to a new spirit of cross-departmental cooperation and accountability, we can save the taxpayers money and deliver services more efficiently by signing this executive order."
"The change will be seamless and transparent to counties and beneficiaries," the governor said. "The departments are committed to ensuring the smooth delivery of services and benefits."
The savings will be achieved by eliminating the positions of office director and administrative assistant. "I want to thank Dr. John Witwer, who served as director of the Office of CBMS from May 2005 until December 2006 and instituted needed reforms and changes," Ritter said.