The authoritative source on Colorado Governor Bill Ritter brought to you by the Editors at the Cherry Creek News and Denver Community Newspapers
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Activist says Jamie Giellis lying about role in homeless tiny houses project
Activist says Jamie Giellis lying about role in homeless tiny houses project
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An activist and former nonprofit exact of director has charged Denver mayoral candidate Jaime Giellis with lying about her level of involvement in the creation of a pathbreaking homelessness prevention project.
The story exploded virally over the past week, as homeless advocate PJ Damico took on a claim made by Giellis in a campaign email. Damico’s charge that Giellis is lying underscores the fundamental weaknesses is her candidacy— her very thin Denver roots and the fact her campaign appears to be the wholly owned subsidiary of a handful of Denver developers.
Damico posted on Facebook: “I want to set the record straight. Aside from having RINO send a reluctant letter of support after the train had left the station Jamie Giellis(candidate for mayor) had NOTHING to do with creating the tiny home village in RiNo and of course neither did Michael Hancock until after many of us were arrested and forced the issue into the New York Times.”
“After securing the land many efforts I made to seek support from the developers in RiNo (Kyle, Andrew and others — all Jamie’s primary backers fell on deaf ears). Ask Jamie how much money RINO committed to the village? Ask her is she went to a single zoning meeting? Ask her how many nights she slept outside over the past four years to get the tiny home village established. Ask her how many times she was arrested? Ask her if she has a restraining order for her activism? “
“This is what makes me sick about neoliberal policiticans being trumped up by the very developer interests ruining our city. “
“ I was there. You were not. How can we trust you if your very Campaign is a lie!!!!”
The comments on the original post became a firestorm of their own. Damico charged, “Jamie was also put up by Andrew and Kyle Zeppelin as their crony capitalist to sabotage Lisa Calderon’s campaign the backstory as bloody as hell but there’s no way ‘Jamie can be elected mayor she represents the worst interest of our city.”
#JamieGiellis,#DenverMayor, #Denver
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Mayor Michael Hancock's $14 million sign boondoggle
“14 million bucks is a lot of money,” one traveler said Tuesday, echoing the concerns of others.”
In December of 2016, Denver officials told FOX31 it would take, at most, eight years to get the cost back in advertising dollars. The city has only seen a fraction of return and now says it could take a decade to break even.
To help solve the problem, city leaders are hoping OUTFRONT Media LLC will have the expertise to drum up business and see the money pour into airport coffers.
The firm would receive a fee from advertisers and pay the airport $150,000 or 67 percent of the gross ad sales, according to the airport. DIA admits it wasn’t proactively selling ads in 2018 and only grossed $21,000 on the mega investment.
“I think the money in the bank would’ve done a better return,” a Denver tourist told FOX31.
Sunday, February 17, 2019
Tay Anderson strongest school board candidate Denver Public Schools 2019
Safeguarding our Neighborhood Schools
Neighborhood schools, when robustly invested in, can be the change agents for our most marginalized students. They can close achievement gaps and prepare students for college. The closing of neighborhood schools is a burden for parents and creates challenges in equity for students. I will work to recover and safeguard neighborhood schools and curb charter school expansion. Not one more neighborhood school closure!
Investing In Our Teachers We have a huge challenge ahead of us in hiring, recruiting, and retaining more teachers. I will focus on creating a rich, dynamic work environment for teachers, while also working to redefine the standards by which teachers are evaluated. The success of our teachers cannot be judged by tests! We have a responsibility to lift our teachers up so our students can take on the world.
School to Prison Pipelines. According to the Department of Education, in the United States, black students make up 18 percent of children enrolled in preschools, and 48 percent of these kids experience more than one out-of-school suspension. Creating a culturally rich curriculum and doubling down on diversity training for teachers and staff can go a long way in putting students of color on the road to success, not prison!
Diversity is our Strength Denver is home to an amazingly diverse population. District four is a minority majority district with well over half the student population being students of color. How wonderful that our children are exposed to the diversity available in our district! Schools should foster a safe learning environment for students to thrive and take advantage of all the opportunities that come with a high school diploma.
Homeless Students
I have experienced homelessness and I know what it feels like to be on your own. I was labeled an unaccompanied youth by Denver Public Schools. To those students and families who have been homeless- I understand what you are going through. We won't let our situations hinder us from our education. I will always put our students first. We will make more programs available to our students, because every student is bigger than their story!
Lunch Program We need to improve our lunch program in Denver Public Schools so that all students have the sufficient nutrients they deserve. The majority of our students do not like the lunch program, and I will be traveling the district listening to our students to hear what they want. As a member of the Denver School Board, I will bring a new lunch plan before the board so we can spark a discussion to put our students lunch as a priority.
Monday, February 4, 2019
Andrew Romanoff - US Senate Colorado 2020 -
Join Us!
Andrew Romanoff served in the Colorado House of Representatives from 2001 to 2009 and as Speaker of the House from 2005 to 2009. He earned bipartisan acclaim as one of the most effective legislative leaders in America.
Andrew authored the Colorado Economic Recovery Act (Referendum C) and Building Excellent Schools Today (BEST), the largest investment in school construction in state history. He also sponsored laws to improve access to mental health care, expand the supply of affordable housing, and protect the victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.
More than 50 state and national organizations have honored Andrew’s leadership. In 2008, Governing Magazine named him “Public Official of the Year.”
Andrew earned a bachelor’s degree with honors at Yale, a master’s degree in public policy at Harvard, and a juris doctorate at the University of Denver. He taught high school in Central America and speaks fluent Spanish.
#2020 #copols #draftromanoff
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Millions in administrator bonuses revealed as Denver teachers prep for strike
A public information request from a Denver parent has landed another bombshell in the middle of a contentious battle between teachers and central administrators in Denver Public Schools.
#Denver, #DPS, #ednews, #denverschools, #denverteachersstrike
Denver teachers strike over a broken pay system
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Denver teachers likely to strike over a broken pay system
#denver #edcolo #DPS #betterdenver #denverschools
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Polling shows strong support for Denver teachers as strike looms - Denver Teacher's Strike
79% of respondents agree that teacher pay in Denver falls short
82% of voters say they would support teachers if the DCTA & DPS cannot reach a new agreement this week. @DPSnewsnow #betterdenver
62% are in favor of Denver teachers going on strike this month @DPSnewsnow #betterdenver
Polling shows strong support for Denver teachers as strike looms - Denver Teacher's Strike
79% of respondents agree that teacher pay in Denver falls short
82% of voters say they would support teachers if the DCTA & DPS cannot reach a new agreement this week. @DPSnewsnow #betterdenver
62% are in favor of Denver teachers going on strike this month @DPSnewsnow #betterdenver
Friday, January 11, 2019
Internets rev up talk of Denver Teacher Strike
Explosive revelations derail Denver Public Schools messaging on strike. District spends millions on payroll not related to students.
Monday, January 7, 2019
Sabados dogged by past in Denver City Council race
Reblogged from Latoya....
Untitled — Denver City Council -The specter of Susan Shepherd...
originally at:
The wages of betrayal - Dave Sabados and the Denver City Council
originally at:
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