Monday, September 26, 2016

Could 'hidden' support for #Trump turn the election?

Is there support for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that is not showing up in the polls?

“We think there’s a big hidden Trump vote in this country,” said Kellyanne Conway, campaign manager for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who is gaining in polls against Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

Many Trump supporters do not trust polls or pollsters. But there could be another reason why they don't identify themselves: To some, Trump voters have a bad reputation.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton put some of his supporters in what she called a "basket of deplorables."

Many people don't want to be put in that basket. So if someone asks who they are voting for, they may keep quiet about it.
"They'll go ahead and vote for that candidate in the privacy of a [voting] booth," says Dartmouth College political science professor Joe Bafumi. "But they won't admit to voting for that candidate to somebody who's calling them for a poll."

Something similar happened in the 1980s to Tom Bradley, the first African American to run for governor of California. He had a big lead in the polls, but lost the election.

"Many people argue it was because there were a lot of white Democrats who said that they were going to vote Democratic," Bafumi says. "But when it came time to go to the polls, they didn't vote for Bradley because he was black. "

What became known as the "Bradley effect" seemed to have disappeared from American politics by Barack Obama's presidential candidacy in 2008. But some analysts see a "reverse Bradley effect" for Trump early in the race.

If people weren't telling pollsters about their true intentions during the primaries, "there really is not strong support to suggest that that's going on in the general election," says Courtney Kennedy, head of survey research at the Pew Research Center.
If the effect were significant, it should have been evident when voters actually went to cast their ballots during the primaries. It wasn't.

"He was basically evenly split in terms of overperforming and underperforming where his polls were."

According to Princeton University Election Consortium founder Sam Wang, "It looks like many of those undecideds are people who can't quite bring themselves to vote for Donald Trump who normally vote Republican."

"Really, the thing that probably is going to decide this election is which campaign is better able to get those people to actually show up on election day.”

What's with the obsession with Grit?

Andrea ZuvichChildren’s literaturecorporate ed reformeducation reformEnglish languageGritNeologismOxford English DictionaryYodaYOLO (motto)

In the same way that actual grit accumulates in the cracks and crevices of the landscape, our cultural insistence on possessing grit has gradually come to the forefront of child-rearing and education reform.

In 2012, Paul Tough’s book on the topic, “How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity and the Hidden Power of Character," was a critical and commercial success, earning positive acclaim from Kirkus ReviewsThe EconomistThe New York TimesSlate – and even former Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.

And last year, in a column for The Washington Post, Judy Holland, editor and founder of, wrote that the “coddled kids” of the “‘self-esteem’ movement in the 1980s” produced children who were “softer, slower and less likely to persevere.”

“Grit is defined as passion and perseverance in pursuit of long-term goals,” she continued. “Grit determines who survives at West Point, who finals at the National Spelling Bee, and who is tough enough not to be a quitter.”

Recent academic studies on grit include the education-leadership dissertation project of New England College’s Austin Garofalo, titled “Teaching the Character Competencies of Growth Mindset and Grit To Increase Student Motivation in the Classroom,” and UMass Dartmouth professor Kenneth J. Saltman’s “The Austerity School: Grit, Character, and the Privatization of Public Education."

These articulations of grit frame it as an essential characteristic for healthy, productive maturation – and certainly a necessary component for academic success.

As someone who specializes in children’s literature and cultural attitudes toward childhood, I’ve been interested in this insistence on fostering grit. I’ve also taught writing and literature over the past year to West Point cadets, who, it seems, must learn how to acquire this somewhat elusive quality.

But I can’t help but wonder if we’re talking about grit in an unproductive way. And maybe one of the problems is that it’s presented as a concept: abstract, indeterminate and somewhat magical or mysterious.

How can we define grit, or the idea behind it, in a way that means something? What if we’re not framing the discussion of grit in the right way, since grit can mean something entirely different for a kid living in the Chicago’s South Side than it does for a kid living in the suburbs?

A slippery buzzword?

In 2014, National Public Radio’s Tovia Smith looked at how educators and researchers are using the concept of grit in the classroom. She interviewed MacArthur Genius Grant recipient Angela Duckworth, associate professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania and author of “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance," which was published in May. In it, she considers how teaching grit can revolutionize students' educational development.

“This quality of being able to sustain your passions, and also work really hard at them, over really disappointingly long periods of time, that’s grit,” Duckworth told Smith in the NPR segment. Expanding on the national significance of grit, Duckworth added, “It’s a very, I think, American idea in some ways – really pursuing something against all odds.”

But more recently, Duckworth has backtracked from some of her earlier advocacy. In March she told NPR’s Anya Kamenetz that the “enthusiasm” for grit “is getting ahead of the science.” And Duckworth has since resigned from the board of a California education group that’s working to find a way to measure grit.

As Kamenetz notes, part of the problem with buzzwords like “grit” – and the attempt to measure or implement them in the classroom – “is inherent in the slippery language we use to describe them.”

Is grit something that can even be taught? Can we measure it? Is it a trait or a skill? If a quality like grit is a trait, then it may be genetic, which would make it difficult to simply instill in kids. If it’s a skill or habit, only then can it be coached or taught.

Grit’s place in children’s literature

The Oxford English Dictionary tells us that grit – the kind that describes “firmness or solidity of character; indomitable spirit or pluck; stamina” – originated as American slang in the early 19th century. It’s easy to see its kinship to the other definition of grit: “minute particles of stone or sand, as produced by attrition or disintegration.”

It’s come to represent a refusal to give up, no matter the odds – a refusal to wash away, break down or completely dissolve.

American children’s literature has long had “gritty” protagonists: characters who’ve arguably instilled moralistic values of bravery, industry and integrity in generations of readers.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, another word featured in the Oxford English Dictionary’s “grit” definition figured more prominently in mainstream children’s literature – pluck.

Mark Twain’s Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn both exhibited pluck, seen in their wily charm, adventurous spirit and underlying moral conscience. But the notion of pluck, grit’s forefather, was largely popularized in Horatio Alger’s stories, which are known for their hardworking young male protagonists trying to eke out livings and educate themselves within the American urban landscape.

“Dick knew he must study hard, and he dreaded it,” Alger wrote in his landmark text, “Ragged Dick.” “But Dick had good pluck. He meant to learn, nevertheless, and resolved to buy a book with his first spare earnings.”

Grit goes mainstream with Charles Portis' plucky protagonist Mattie Ross. Author provided
Though he hates it, Dick studies hard because he believes he needs an education “to win a respectable position in the world.”

The determined, plucky child figure arguably evolved into one of grit through Mattie Ross in Charles Portis' 1968 western novel of revenge set in the late 19th century.

The novel quickly establishes Mattie’s resilience and resolve, which solidify after the murder of Mattie’s father. Mattie, reflecting on her doggedness, says, “People do not give it credence that a fourteen-year-old girl could leave home and go off in the wintertime to avenge her father’s blood.”

Grit to what end?

Mattie Ross and Horatio Alger’s clever street boys helped shape an American ideal of youthful grit. But these fictional characters asserted their grit because they had goals. What good is grit if you feel like you have nothing to strive for?

In early children’s literature for African-Americans, publications such as W.E.B. Du Bois’ monthly youth magazine The Brownies' Book attempted to also give its young readers an idea of what they could achieve. While much of American children’s literature during the turn of the last century – and even today – filters ideas of grit through the perspective of the middle-class white child, The Brownies' Book specifically addressed the lives and experiences of African-American children. First published in 1920, the magazine encouraged African-American children to fully embrace their cultural identities, participate in their communities and become citizens of the world.

David Simon’s Baltimore-set HBO series “The Wire” illustrates the narrow possibilities for black kids growing up in the city. Grit, as depicted in “The Wire,” comes via success in the drug trade. This kind of grit has the bottom line of economic gain. It’s not about a search for identity, cultural understanding or artistry because kids don’t think they have the same opportunities and potential highlighted in the issues of The Brownies' Book.

A 2014 study from the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights found that in America, there still exists a pattern of racial inequality in public schools, whether it’s course offerings, teacher performance or student expulsion. These statistics – the same as those echoed in “The Wire” – leave many somber, dejected, angry or, too often, complacent.

So how can students have – or learn – grit when all kids face different realities – different struggles, different dreams and different social structures?

Yes, it’s important to reevaluate the education system, as monumental a task that may be. But all institutional or systemic change starts with the individual.

“A lot of what ‘The Wire’ was about sounds cynical to people,” Simon said in a 2009 Vice interview. “I think it’s very cynical about institutions and their ability to reform. I don’t deny that, but I don’t think it’s at all cynical about people.”

Maybe the first step is to think of grit not as something to cultivate in students. Instead, maybe grit is the debris – the dream – that lingers. If children and young adults get that piece of grit stuck to them, they’ll be motivated to keep going until the grit is gone.

Perhaps the job of adults, then, isn’t to tell kids to buckle down and work through adversity. It’s about opening their eyes to the innumerable possibilities before them – so they’ll want to persevere in the first place.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Video Spin Blaster Pro bonus brouhaha and Video Spin Blaster Pro reviews...

Video Spin Blaster Pro bonus brouhaha and Video Spin Blaster Pro reviews...Video Spin Blaster Pro launches today. If you do any form of video marketing, you know the struggles of content creation. While Video Spin Blaster Pro will not solve every problem, it greatly reduces the headaches and is force multiplier for creating videos. Don't miss our bonus: an in-depth webinar walking you through Video Spin Blaster Pro 2.0, plus our regular page one news jacking bonus (click here to qualify).

Video Spin Blaster Pro is a unique video creator and video spinner from the folks who brought you Live Event Blaster. It's a video workhorse. In local, straight traffic SEO or affiliate marketing, it solves a basic problem. You find a workable, profitable niche. So how you quickly mine it? Well, you need to bring video en masse to bear... here is where Video Spin Blaster comes into play. With it, you can create and render videos with a few clicks and without waiting hours to render. It's unique system will create ten minute long HD videos in less a one minute. Text to Speech will give you easy soundtracks in seconds, and with its spinning functions, Spin Blaster can generate thousands of unique copies of the same video file, so YouTube does not judge the files as duplicate— because, of course, they are not. This is white-hat, fully compliant, content creation.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Video Ad Suite Cliff Carrigan Novel Cognition training.mp4

Live this morning!

Video Ad Suite Cliff Carrigan Novel Cognition training.mp4

Live this morning!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Thursday, September 8, 2016

VideoWave Bonus - Video Wave review

Get YOUR bonus:

Mo Miah and crew have launched VideoWave bonus. Video creators are always looking to simplify, simplify, simpifly, and this software in the cloud moves towards that goals. And most importantly is a power text-to-speech integration.

Let's Check the buzz: A new 3 in 1 ranking software for Google that uses YouTube us out. It's called: Video Wave. It's my goal to share with you exactly what this software does and where it might fit into your marketing strategy. First the software is not "one software" it's really three different software packaged into a single application:

Step #1: Keyword Analysizer Browser Extension:

This software is downloadable into your browser. You can find 'potential ranking keywords' then enter them into this software.The software tells you whether your chances are ranking inside of the keyword are: Poor, Below Average, Average, Above Average or Excellent. This is useful because you can easily find out using this software what keywords you should try rank for and which keywords you shouldn't.

Step #2: Video Creation Software:

This is the main feature of this software. When you find a keyword that you want to rank for then you can use this software to create a video. It allows you to completely build 100% custom videos. These videos can include text, audio, images, videos.

You can add any video from YouTube into this software when you're creating a video as well. This allows you to save a ton of time and you can use other peoples content on YouTube to help you to create your videos for a keyword fast. The software is very easy to use and it's very fast. You can create professional videos using this software with ease.

Once you 'export' the video then you can upload it to YouTube and start ranking for the keyword you're targeting.

Step #3: Link Syndication Software:

The final step is driving backlinks to your video. This software makes it super easy to do. All you need to do is enter in your details for the top Social Networks: Facebook, Linked In, Twitter,,, Google +, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, Telegram

Then the software will automatically post your message with the URL to your video in it. This builds backlinks for your videos within a very short time. These softwares all combine to help you to rank your YouTube videos high in Google.

How well does this strategy work?

What you're doing is you're finding 'keywords' in Google that don't have any videos ranking for them, then you're using this software to create a video with your URL or a link to an affiliate offer you're promoting. Once you've posted your video you're using 'backlinks' to rank your software then once you're ranking Google will drive traffic to your video.

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